Wednesday, March 4, 2009

1 toddler + 2 beds = sleep depravation

I thought it was a mini stage that would quickly pass but it seems that it is a bigger problem than I anticipated.
The problem has been going on for several months now and instead of improving it's getting worse.
Here is the problem:

OK, now here's the details...
Bedtime is 8:30. We begin the process around 8:30 and after prayers and hugs and kisses lights are out. Nathan wants to try everything to make this part of the process go for as long as he can. Lately he's been begging me to sleep with him. I have NEVER slept with him (other than when Ty's out of town I'll occasionally let him sleep with me, but that's not often). I truly believe that in his mind he sees that I have someone that I sleep with and right now he sees that Tina and Allen sleep together and he wants someone to sleep with him. When I think about it from his perspective I have to say that I don't blame him. I just don't know how to make him understand that isn't how it works. He'll lay in bed and cry for me. Last night Ty put him in bed around 8:30, it was 10:30 and he was STILL crying. Just about every morning I wake up and he's in the bed with me anyway. He'll come in there some time during the night and I guess in his eyes he's won. The thing is I don't care if he sleeps with me but I can't start that because I know it won't solve anything. I'm at the end of my rope and Nathan is exhausted! We've bought a dimmer switch to put in his room because at first his excuse was "I'm afraid of the dark." We then bought him some spiderman sheets so he would have a "cool" place to sleep. Obviously, none of these are working.

I know I'm not the only parent who has this problem so all of you out there that has dealt or is dealing with this any advice or opinions are welcome!!


Nancy Hood said...

Jenny didn't cry, but she would get out of bed and come into our room :) I never felt it was a habit that had to be broken and in fact, she broke it herself around the age of 6 or so. Oh yeah, she was in kindergarten :) what began as an every night thing began to cut back until she slept through the night in her own bed. But then, I'm just not that into making them give up things {I gave her a paci until she lost it nor did I take away her 'baby fields' until she began leaving on her bed} so don't get too tangled in this. Maybe someone else will put a different spin on it :)

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh Leslie! I am waiting to see what other mommies have to say b/c I am sure I will have to deal with this soon!