Thursday, June 4, 2009


I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately having pains in the upper region of my stomach. That's where I was having pains when I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers so I thought they were back in action. I knew the pain wasn't as intense but thought I should get it checked out anyway. I made a doctor's appointment and was SO glad when the day arrived so I could get some relief. I gave them a sample of my blood, they took x-rays, found out that I'm anemic and scheduled me for an endoscopy. I had the endoscopy yesterday (Wednesday). The doctor told us that my stomach was ulcer free but I did have a hiatal hernia (where the stomach invades part of the esophagus)and 33% of my esophagus was ate up with acid from acid reflux. I guess that's where the pain is coming from. I received a call from the doctor's office with my blood test results. Iron is low, very low, which is why I've been so tired and wanting to do nothing but sleep. I am now on an iron supplement on top of about 3 anti acid medications. Hopefully, in a few weeks I'll be back to normal. I do have to change my eating habits to help regulate the acid reflux. All the foods I love to eat will be G.O.N.E! Oh well, better that than suffering!

Hiatal Hernia:



Unknown said...

I am so, so sorry I forgot about your endoscopy. This week has been crazy and I would have lost my head had it not been attached :) I'm glad that your ulcers are gone and that they found out what's causing you so much pain. Have fun this weekend! Love you -

Nancy Hood said...

Leslie Hood got down on both John and me about our hiatal hernias, warning that if we didn't take care of them, we could easily get cancer :( yuck, no one wants that!

So, you better pay attention too! sending tight hugs,

Unknown said...

I'm glad you were able to find out the cause of your pain...I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!